
Prince George Community Plans

The Reaching Home directives here state that:

"Communities receiving funding from the Designated Communities stream must develop a community plan that includes the following components:

  • An investment plan indicating the intended allocation of Reaching Home’s funding towards the following activity areas:
    • Housing placement
    • Prevention and shelter diversion
    • Client support services
    • Capital investment; and
    • Coordination of resources and data collection.
  • The voluntary outcomes that will be reported on through the Community Homelessness Reports.
  • Work that will be undertaken to design and implement coordinated access.
  • Details on how the Indigenous Community Entity (where the Indigenous Homelessness and Designated Community streams co-exist) and stakeholders in the community were consulted during the development of the community plan.
  • Measures to be undertaken to meet the needs of Official Language Minority Communities.
  • Identification of other funding sources in the community available to address homelessness."

Prince George's 2014-2019 Community Plan

Prince George's 2019-2024 Community Plan

The following funding priorities have been identified as per the Prince George 2019-2024 Community Plan:



198 Kingston Street
Prince George,
British Columbia
V2L 1C3

Tel: 250-561-1199
Fax: 250-561-1149
Toll Free: 1-800-510-0515